Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Highlights for first day in Germany.

Trying to choose the right door at the bathrooms and seeing other Americans struggle.

Driving 100 mph on the autobahn and asking about the exits for Ausfart.

Green hillsides and quaint towns on our drive to her house.

Meeting Heidi and Paul's Bible study group and hearing Paul lead. Watching Paul play softball. Heidi's delicious bagel sandwiches.

Seeing people pulled over on the side of the road to pee.

Seeing a gaggle of Europeans outside their economy cars stretching on their long summer trips. They're so healthy.

Being with Heidi. And Paul.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you go to go to Bible Study with them...that must have been great.

    Paul looks so handsome in his uniform.

    Isn't it awesome how European's are so economical with their cars? I love it!
