If you've found this blog, chances are you're a close friend or family member. If you've made it this far, then come in a little farther, sign up as a follower and enjoy Europe with me. Nose around some of the other articles and learn a little bit about my life in Colorado. Make as many comments as you like, I get such a kick out of reading them and often times make a quick return comment.
Also, sending me an email in Europe will be free (to some extent)and instantaneous due to this fancy new phone I have, so feel free to contact me directly at heathershoresincolorado@gmail.com for questions or just to say hi, I'm sure I'll respond.
I wanted to say a big thank you to Heidi and Paul for being such a great travel "spring board" for our family. Even though you're family and you have to let us in, thanks for allowing us into your home and letting us see and enjoy things abroad. We all love Mom and Dad so much and would not have been able to give them the anniversary trip without ya'll. Thanks for being excited along side all us family members who show up as starry-eyed tourists. Great job! (that's teacher talk for "great job")
Most of all I praise my Heavenly Father for the wonderful opportunities He provides for our family and for me, personally. Summertime has given me the time to sit back and take a breather. It really is pretty nice around here. Lord, you watch over me, provide for me and through the years you've even seen to my heart desires, those things that let me know you love me. I know I don't deserve them, I can be a stinker (Aunt Marilyn term). Lord please let others see Christ in me as I travel. Please keep me safe as I travel.
By the way, Holly I want you to know I forgive you for drinking my Dublin, Texas Dr. Pepper all those years ago, the pain is not so bad any more. Well it might have been Tristan, and if it was I'm not ready to forgive you.
Happy reading.
Heather, your comment on the Dr. Pepper made me laugh!!
ReplyDeleteWhy no forgiveness for me?