Why do we have to buy those heavy measuring cups when half the time we end up shaking the cups to even out the dry ingredients inside? I have used the nice stainless steel cups before and find they are not good for shaking out dry ingredients. Paula Dean has the most beautiful measure cups I've ever seen but they're pewter and weigh a ton. You're thinking why don't you just buy a nice Tupperware set? The answer is simple: come out with clear or white colors and I will.
When I'm trying to throw together some ranch-style biscuits I don't have time to grab the knife and level. I don't think I want to either. I want to shake it quickly and get it in. Thus I've decided to keep aluminum measure cups in my kitchen. I found some here and there in thrift stores and love them. I was a little concerned about the health issue but Mom says since I'm not cooking in them, they can't harm anything. Good--let the flour fly.
The next thing I'd love to find are some of those vintage aluminum cups. Remember the ones your grandma had, the ones with the jeweled colors and the curved lip? Cold water always tasted better in those things.
Heather, these are the kind of measuring cups I remember seeing around when I was a little girl. My grandmothers and my mom used these kind. They also used the glass pyrex measuring cups. Mom also had some aluminum measuring spoons that matched. When I was a child, mom bought a cookbook for me called, "Tina in the kitchen" (still have it). I would use her aluminum measuring cups and spoons to make simple recipes like sugar cookies. Then when I was a teen and started cooking in the kitchen, I remember that mom had some bright neon green and neon orange measuring cups and spoons from Tupperware.