Today I became a coupon shopper. Let me share with you what Coupon Mom helped me do.
It's important for me to say that before my shopping trip today I have been collecting all the circulars and noting the date in which they are received. Coupon Mom helps me match coupons with what is on sale in the grocery store for optimum savings.
I shopped at City Market, which is an affiliate of King Soopers.
City Market had a Indi 500 sale going on which encouraged buyers to purchase from a group of items and receive $3. off. After purchase the consumer also received a certificate redeemable for THREE MORE DOLLARS at their store.
Coupon Mom matched these items with online coupons and newspaper coupons then told me which ones would provide the highest percentage of savings.
In my search I decided that I would buy 4 cans of grands buscuits and six boxes of Totinos pizza rolls. I found the coupons and printed them.
The next thing I did was to go onto my store website and look for any ecoupons to load onto my card. It just so happened that Totinos and Pillbury buscuit coupons were available to add. Very cool.
When I arrived at the store, the Totinos boxes contained extra coupons on the box. The manager let me cut them out in the store to be used in line, for an even larger savings.
Here is a break down of what I paid.
Pillsbury Grands Buscuits
Regular price - 1.59.
On sale - 1.29.
Indi 500 sale -.30
ecoupon- .15
printable coupon - .30
total - .54
I bought 4 for 2.16
Next I chose Totinos. I know I will use these as quick snacks or with some of my drama kids.
Let me add that it is very easy to justify purchases with a coupon, so you really need to know your own eating and hygene habits. You've got to remember that a coupon may not always be the best way. Sometimes running to Wal-mart is much better.
Regular price 1.59
On sale 1.29
Indi 500 -.30
on-box coupon -.33
total .46
I bought 6 boxes for 2.76
My total came to 4.92 plus tax.
Here's the fun part. After purchasing the checker handed me $3.00 on a ticket that I can use next time I'm in the store. AWESOME!!!
I think I'm hooked. I hoping to land some free toothpaste and free deodorant pretty soon. I'll keep you posted. Please feel free to venture out and give this a try. Start with one or two items. Then share them on this blog!
If you would like to get started, but don't know how, watch this video. Coupon Mom really breaks it down for us coupon beginners.
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