Different from London in that it announces lines by the names of the ending streets. I was warned of this in Rick Steves' books. London lines are announced by direction and color. Compared to the London subway, the metro was dirtier and smellier, due in part to there being absolutely no bathrooms anywhere in Paris. They seemed a little less patroled and therefore seemed a bit more hazardous. I couldn't really pick out Paris fashion as quickly as I was able to see London fashion. It did appear, finally, but not on everyone as it had in London. Paris fashion seemed to be a class thing, and those not dressing fashionably dressed much like you might see in Canon. However, in London I saw EVERY person dressed in fashion. Believe it.
After a few tries, Heidi and I were able to conquer the metro and our travel to destinations became faster. Heidi, we have to work on getting to places on time, but I think we did a pretty good job getting around.
I always wondered how everyone was able to walk so fast to their next connection or exit. Did everyone now exactly where they were going? In the movies it looks so overwhelming. What if I'm not sure and need to stop, will the crowd push me along?
I found out that once you know the name or color of your train, the signs are what keep people moving. They are placed just far enough apart to keep you going, not looking for the next place. It's quite amazing. When we did need to stop, it wasn't so bad, there were always large maps and exit names posted before each entrance. Very doable, very affordable.

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