*Disclaimer: Please note that the following blog is a total self-indulgence in the commercialized, superficial, gift-giving holiday. Anyone hoping to maintain their view of Heather as someone who loves to give rather than get might want to refrain from reading the incriminating wish list.
*Disclaimer for the disclaimer: If you can't sense the humor in this humorously humor-ful humor, then I can't help you.
Top gifts of all-time:
*Grandma Summers' jewelry set of pearls and porcelain roses.
*Grandma Summers' long, hot pink winter coat that I hated at first but came to love; a gift which imparted upon me an eye for eye-catchers!
*Aunt Marilyn's graduation gift of Vanilla Fields- I came to use this scent in everything after high school and was later identified by boyfriends (and ex-boyfriends)by it. Thanks Aunt Marilyn, the scent defined me for half a decade.
*Michelle and Carissa's graduation gift to me: a feminine pants/skirt/dress with sunflowers on it. Loved it and wore it out. I never would have bought it for myself and SURPRISE!
*Yellow banana-seat bike on my 9th birthday
*White roller skates on my 11th Christmas
*Wood-burn picture from dad on my 30th Christmas
*Type writer from Mom and Dad on my 10th Christmas (started my love of words and of putting them together)
On Presentation...
I've seen what a good gift can do. I've seen what a good gift presentation can do. Remember Melissa's brown paper packages tied with green yarn? Handmade tags and all? I'm sure that stuck with you. Remember Aunt Sandy's family always had big bows and loud glorious wrapping paper on their gifts? You knew you were special and you felt special receiving those. Remember how Mom color coded our gifts and left us guessing until Christmas Day? Great memories. Great presentations come wrapped to fit the personality and gender, the holiday and theme, the tone and occasion. Sometimes I'd rather spend time enjoying opening a gift than thinking about what's inside. It's special. It means someone thinks you are important enough to spend effort (notice I said effort not money) on. It's easy to say things like: "Real gifts don't cost anything" or "We don't need to spend money on each other, we have luuuuve". Those are the lazy man's way out.
On Pa-Paul...
Remember the hope chest Paul made for Heidi? Remember how he worked in a hot, saw-dust thickened air? I remember she had expressed a yearning for this piece. Tradition says the woman is to bring her dowry in the Hope Chest and use the things in her new house for the comfort of her husband, but Paul became the one to make the gift for which she was to bring. How beautiful! Remember how Paul saved for the ring? He wanted perfection! He wanted the best for Heidi. He knew that he had Heidi's love already, but he wanted to honor that by sacrificing time and energy to raise money to buy her the best. Beautiful. Remember the heirloom locket he found for her? Heidi had expressed a desire for one and he didn't stop until he'd found one that was unique and perfect. Paul, we could all take some lessons from you on gift giving. Thanks.
On choosing the item...
I'll keep this short. My advice to you: balance. You must balance those nostalgic gifts, with homemade, with big ticket (relative), with surprises. Some of the best gifts I've received were gifts I never would have purchased for myself. Sometimes we don't even know what we need until someone hands it to us wrapped up with a gorgeous bow.
The List
(in order of items)
The Light and the Glory, signed on the inside by Dad
Ricki Tiki Timbo
George Mueller Life Story, signed by Dad
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Life Story
Hinds Feet on High Places signed my Mom
Chronicles of Narnia, original printed order version
Anything by Jane Austen
Anything by L.M. Montgomery
All popular classics geared for teens such as Counte of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers, Little Women, Secret Garden, Little Princess, Kidnapped, Robin Hood, Ivanhoe, etc.
Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
Travel books by Rick Steves
Any and all romantic movies
Any and all classic movies
Any and all musicals
Just by time on itunes. There are too many to list.
Of course a good CD makes a great gift because it sends a message to the special person.
Big Ticket Items (Maybe you'll see a good deal and tell me!)
IPod Nano, 4th gen, yellow or silver , 8gig with dock/speaker
Car GPS Magellan brand
IBM ThinkPad X41
Hobo purse/bag
gift certificate to Barnes and Noble
Italian stationery or stationery with designs on the FRONT of the envelope. Good luck with that one.
A useable tea set that is simple and charming
cute socks
scarf and glove set that is feminine
Bath and Body works - Magnolia
Victoria Secret- Romance Me
Gift certificate to Abbey Winery Gift Shop
Gift certificate to R.S.V.P. in Canon City, downtown
Picnic basket,well made
horse ride in Old Colorado City with Dad
anything homemade and from the heart
antique aprons
antique but beautiful quilts,something that looks faded and soft in color as well
Book on how to knit for left handers (I think I'm going to convert)
Victoria Magazine subscription
Romantic Cottage magazine subscription
Cook's Illustrated magazine subscription
pearl bracelet
journal, nothing too frilly
anything concerning letter writing
world peace...
Well you asked for it, oh wait... you didn't. Hope this gives you some good ideas not only for me but for others with whom you adore and love. Please feel free to share yours.