By June I was excited to announce my extra earnings with Visiting Angels. By July I was choking on 100-year-old dust from my bathroom ceiling. A frantic call from my roommate one night announced that the upstairs bathroom ceiling had fallen in and a layer of black dust covered EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! My first concern was that it might be a leak from the roof due to all our heavy summer rains. I immediately called a handy man and began the process of checking for the worst and hoping for the best. It turned out it was just an old lath and plaster ceiling that needed replacing. I jumped on the opportunity for a good-old learning experience and promptly went to gutting and renovating the entire bathroom, with the help of a local handyman, who I'm sure thought I was insane. Here are the pics that tell the story of my renovation.
Things to ooh and ahh over in the new bathroom:
- A 3-light chandelier in the middle of the bathroom.
- A lifted ceiling with rough rafters reveiled
- Shelf space around the top of the window
- Lighting capability on the shelf
- Sconce lights for the mirror
- Refurbished pull-chain toilet
- Repainted bathtub
- Painted floor
- Glorious neutral paint color, great for versatility
Enjoy! I still have not helped my self to a bubble bath yet! Can you believe it?