I called Dad today and said "I love my job!" We talked for a little while about what I was doing and once again the realization that one in a million get to call their job enjoyable and fullfilling.
Getting up this morning was little nerve wracking after just finishing my new bathroom; I was not ready for today at all. I wanted another week to get my classroom in order and do some planning. Before I even walked out my door, my lovely neighbor, Tonya, offered to take us both to the kick-off meeting. Neighbors like her are few. As we drove up people honked and said hello. Once inside it was just like a large high school reunion (only better), everyone hugged and shared summer happenings. Best of all was the feeling of togetherness. It only deepened as we met new teachers and were welcomed by our great superintedenent, Mr. Gooldy.
All of those fears and wishes for more time flew out the window! It's time for school. Time for learning. Time for awakening minds. Time for watching the changing weather from my classroom window instead of my front porch hammock.
Lord, thank you for blessing me so much. I pray that as this school year starts you will keep me and my students safe. I pray that you will help me to be dedicated to my job even when I'm up late at night grading those badly written essays. Lord, help me to remember that you are the author of all knowledge, from you comes curiosity,and the hunger for truth. Lord, as our nation seems to grapple with its' own understanding of basic American ideals and freedoms, help me to impart to my students a sense of what is right and wrong, what is truth and what is false. Lord, show me how to help my fellow teachers and to be an encourager. Lord, keep my house safe and all those inside as well, so that I may focus my attention on teaching my children. Lord, help me to trust completely in you for my daily happiness and daily needs. Lord, you are owner of my life and I want to do what you want me to do. I yeild all my expectations for this year to You. Please take it and make it beautiful.
In Jesus Name,
And that is truly my heart, ya'll.
A few tears and I'm done with my prayer for the school year. Last year my theme was "Simplify" and I did just that. I let go of yearbook, and volleyball. I let go of extra church functions. It has been good for me. Every year a bible verse has been my theme for the year. There was not one given to me as of yet. This year seems like a clean blank page with infinite possibilities.